Monday, March 16, 2015

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Understanding the Full Moon Effect When Viewing the Northern Lights

If you are planning a trip to Northern Lights you will naturally want to maximize your chances of getting the best observation. There is much debate about the best time to see the lights and lots of discussions about how likely you get the best experience and capture better pictures. Aurora is certainly one of the most beautiful natural phenomena in the world, and once in a lifetime trip . Northern Lights certainly do not want to missed . But how can you ensure this? , you must book your trip with a company that specializes in this area of ​​the world where their experts have enough experience and are fully aware of the best times and places that offer the most enjoyable and successful observations.

What are they?

Also known as the aurora borealis, the phenomenon of light is mainly due to activity on the sun. it occur when charged particles from solar storms converge with the atoms of the atmosphere of the earth. The resulting energy causes the colorful display, creating auroras. A full moon has no effect on solar storms or geometric storms, which are what happens when the aurora activity occurs. However, the full moon shines a light in the sky so many people can be forgiven for assuming that the light will dilute the effect of the Aurora Borealis.

The effect of the moon

The effect of the full moon is actually quite insignificant compared to the power of the aurora itself. Exhibition little aurora could be integrated into the moonlight in the same way that stars can be, but a strong aurora display can certainly withstand the brightness of the full moon. There are many photographs that exist to prove this and some experts believe that the full moon can effectively improve the view, especially when dawn is very strong because it illuminates the foreground and the sky is blue that's what they preferred it rather than hard-black earth that is obtained when there is no moon.

The best time to enjoy a trip to Northern Lights

Although many people think they should go at the time of the new year for the best opportunity to see the moon view, this is not necessarily the case. the Much more important than strength in the morning and better observation of the latter is the state of Solar Impulse, which is the driving force behind the view. Along with the way the sky is cloudy this is what determines the quality of observation.

the important thing is choosing the place to visit on your trip to Northern Lights. Rural areas with little or no artificial light are  the best, and Abisko in Swedish Lapland is a favorite. If you book with a reputable travel agency you will have series of short trips on Abisko there's a lot of choices a to offer the best chance to see this most wonderful theatrical nature.


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