Friday, March 20, 2015

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The Essence of Traveling

Have you ever ask yourself what it would be like if you only had one month to live these days? When I ask myself this question it makes me thing about the importance of the time that we have , we just live those moments for one time and we have to take advantage of our time , but if we have the choice we will not be just some hard workers that works from 9-5 , the real success is to manage our life and to live it , with our family and friends .The time that we spend in doing the things that we love is the most important , travel is one of those times , it’s an opportunity to explore the nature and to discover the beauty of life , it’s a pursuit of  happiness a joy , without stress and troubles , 

the essence of traveling is that thing that motivate us to find the hidden secretes of our life , it changes our  perception to the others it transform us into helpful human beings every trip will help you to forget about your  problems, it’s a meeting with persons from  different culture, it’s an opportunity to see the snowy mountains the beautiful sunset , the perfect harmonic group of birds .

Traveling is something that leaves you speechless and makes you a storyteller.When traveling, you contact different people, you understand their culture, you immerse yourself in the vitality of the beauty nature, you become someone else. Travel is important so that everyone knows his  heart , a real picture is worth a thousand words.

The moments captured on these trips will stay with you throughout your life. I always feel great to share my photos with the world to inspire and motivate others to take action and travel more because, The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.

So , what is the essence of travel? For me, it is the exploration and the experience of different cultures it’s  the beauty of nature. And to experience the true joy of travel, the traveler must have an open mind in order to understand the others and to respect their cultures and backgrounds .


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