Monday, March 16, 2015

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Top 4 Reasons Why People Who Want to Travel Don't

I'll get back into my mind and sit with someone nostalgic , who has not yet taken the first step outside their countries of accreditation . You are one of many in this category - a very small percentage of Americans, for example, have traveled in Europe . Why is it then that so plan to walk through the vineyards of wine from Italy , climb the Eiffel Tower or walk the lands of their ancestors in Ireland , England, Germany and so on ? We always say : "One day, I'll go . " Unfortunately , this is not something you should put off too long, or to materialize . Do not listen to the words that you hold in your own mind ...
1. "When my accounts are in order, I will go . "

Here's a thought - it's horrible if their accounts are not in order ? At this point, for a student who makes some loans on part- time . You may be a recent graduate, has just entered the early years of a real race . Perhaps you are a new parent , and we all know that babies are not cheap. Youth who want the latest gadget or clothes? -NO A good time to throw money away on a trip ! Children go to college? -forget In this regard. My point is, you always have big events along the path of your life, and if you don't be forced to do something you generally don't choose to do it  .

2. "It could be dangerous there."

Yes, it is a favorite for friends and family to whisper or yell at you. that place has a vicious drug cartel, the slave of sex, you get to Europe, and most definitely catch an insect in Asia. I wonder what warnings are for the "foreigners" to come to the United States! I'll be very honest with you right now, if they had a little fear for their safety they want leave their home because danger is everywhere it's the fear of the unknown that stops us  . Of course, an insect carrier of the a disease could bite me there in Costa Rica ... , but if this must happen, there are obviously healthcare specialist and doctors  in the places i'm visiting .

3. "I go when the kids are older."

My children are three . We had our first in Norway for a summer, and Costa Rica, two of them during most of 2013. Let me think about what we would do in Maryland now, if we had decided to stay home  .. . I would be with my children just inside a small house , and sometimes at the nearby park and if we are lucky we will go to the grocery store for a rocket, waiting for my husband to finish his work about eight hours , cleaning the kitchen and dinner and sit to absorb what's on the TV. Was it really better, safer, healthier for my children? They might prefer to dig in the sunny beach of months, learning about sea turtles, or discover the monkeys and parrots when the mother puts them high in the trees. They would like to hear a new language spoken daily by real people on computer programs. I deeply feel that children enjoy traveling, so listen to your real soul and gives them a childhood companions and a perfect time that will help them in future.

4. "I will travel when I retire."

Would you, though? With the precarious state of social security and increasing dependence on prescription drugs, that you will be financially comfortable, fit and willing to travel later in life? If you have made a nest egg by then, you may have adorable grandchildren, and it is harder to let that? You may also be too tired to hike or swim with dolphins and you have to forget about surfing . Do you really want to spend your golden years exploring when all you may want to do is rest? I guess there is no way to know for sure. But what you already know for sure is how do you feel now. Do not wait for your desire, until hope and adventure excitement disappears. Live the life of your dreams you still have the energy to continue with it. Arriving in recent years, do you think you will regret traveling when you were younger? Or, you will be so proud of yourself ?

Listen to your own inspiration. If money is a problem, let the food extra junk, pack of cigarettes, a night of drinking and just start traveling Make it happen for yourself, because you deserve to see the place of your dreams. If you can do it once, you'll break the the bad fake thoughts that keep you away of the beauty of life .


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