Monday, March 16, 2015

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Some Tips On How To Keep Your Home Safe While You Go On A Vacation

Finally you have you have agreed with the family on the place to go for your next vacation. Make your days off and reserved approved airline tickets, hotel reservations , and ensures that you and everyone else has all the essential  bags. Everyone is really ready (and of course, excited) to start that next vacation out of home .

But there is one thing that can not be 100% ready for your vacation: it is your home.

Certainly, the last thing that you want to happen after the return from your vacation is to find that your house was ransacked and has been stripped of all its valuables and all you have to do in this case is to go back to the normal life after the vacation. but there are a lot of tips that can prevent you from that  tragedy, you must ensure some necessary steps to make sure your home is safe and secure when you and your family are in several days or even weeks outside.
So here are some tips that you should keep in mind to keep your home safe and secure while you are away:

• Do not announce to the whole world that you will leave your home unoccupied for a long period of time. This includes what you post on your social networks if you post such thing be careful and you don't have to tell about all the details that will be going on a trip out of your town. And, of course, you have to tell your family to avoid doing this too. Criminals are also using the Internet and to implement their potential victims so be careful about showing the details of your vacation on social media networks.

• Get a trusted babysitter home. You can ask a trusted friend, parent or neighbor to check regularly and visit your home. Leaving a spare key in house designated sitter so he or she can water the plants, giving the floor and scan the air throughout the house. Your house sitter can also help your house look lived and always discourage foreign meddling in their property.

• Consider purchasing and installing light switches counters. If you leave everything on before entering your Christmas lights will always be on, even during the day. This will alert intruders that your home is unoccupied for some time. As such it has a timer that can turn your lights on and off automatically according to a programmed schedule will give intruders the idea that your home is being fully occupied and guarded.

• Finally, do not forget to keep your replacement keys. Remove the spare key under the mat and your hidden in a pot. Carry or hide them inside your home to prevent them from criminals .


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