Monday, March 16, 2015

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Travel fatigue : Tips for a comfortable Holiday

Sometimes, travel is NOT all about fun. It can be about stress, especially for those who are not familiar with long hours and  intensive traffic situations , there’s also those who prefer to be sleeping in order to avoid all the troubles and the problems but it’s not obviously the perfect solution .
Planning for traveling is something so important and being aware of the healthy problems and the safety is more important too it must be part of the travel plan .
There are in fact a lot of ways that can help everyone to overcome travel fatigue and stress , the most basics tips to do this are :
  1. Travel “light”
A lot of people brings a huge quantity of baggage like they’ll leave their home forever and after the end of their travel they regret it because they use just a little bit of the baggage , this bad habit cause a lot of stress and it needs a lot of energy , and a lot of extra money so it’s highly recommend to brig the essential baggage only .
2- Anti-Jet Lag Practices
The jet lag is one of the most famous causes of travel fatigue , especially if the travel is going to be on different time zones , and that’s why our bodies needs to adjust this critical situation ,
There are a lot of good practice for example :
Drinking a lot of liquids like fruit juices and  water , but alcohol and coffee are not recommended
Have a good sleep the night before you travel
Avoid to stay hungry for a long time during the travel so enjoy your meals
Change the routine : don’t stay too much at the same place , moving your body matters a lot.

3-comminicate with Family and friends

There’s a big difference between traveling alone and traveling with someone else , so if you got someone with you spending time with him will help you to forget about the fatigue but if you’re alone start making some phone calls or try to communication with people it’s so simple and there’s a lot of good things to talk about .

Finally to overcome travel fatigue you have to believe that you can do it , and to keep traveling as much possible as you can .


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